How What You Eat Can Impact Your Skin

Our skin is one of the largest organs in our bodies. Yet it is often the one we mostly ignore. It puts in a lot of work for us every day. And we pay it back by putting a lot of junk into and onto our bodies that causes it a lot of harm.

Yes, that’s right. The stuff you eat has a direct impact on your skin. This is a lesser-known fact of human biology. But one that, if people did know, would definitely change their eating habits. But just how does what we eat affect our skin? We spoke to this skincare manufacturer in Malaysia to find out the finer details and to get some tips on what foods are actually good for your skin. So that we could best that information onto you.

Greasy Food Leads to Spots

Spots. One of the most annoying skin afflictions one can suffer from. They are incredibly irritating and only get worse as you touch them. Yet we can’t help but poke and pop them. But did you know that one of the leading causes of spots is greasy food?

Grease, when it comes into contact with your skin, adds excess oil which can trap all the dead skin and seal off the pores. This eventually matures into a horrid puss-filled spot. But it isn’t just if the grease comes into contact with your skin. Any grease absorbed into the body through digestion also adds excess oil to your skin.

Certain Foods Can Cause Dry Skin

Nothing is worse than having dry itchy skin. It is almost unbearable at times. But did you know your diet is most likely the cause of it? Foods that are high in fat cause skin inflammation. The same applies to foods with high sugar content. Now we aren’t saying you should cut these things out of your diet entirely. But too much of either will lead to dry, rashy skin. As well as potentially a few other issues as well.

You can counteract the effects of these foods with a high-quality moisturizer. But there are also some natural solutions too. You could add some herbal oils to a bath and give yourself a good soak. Working out is also a great way to keep your skin looking nice. Sweating during exercise cleans out your pores and boosts your bodily functions.


We know how deadly allergies can potentially be. But did you know that there are a whole host of less serious allergens that are far more common? In fact, most people go their whole lives eating foods they are allergic to without realizing it. Pineapple is a popular one. Many people assume the burning sensation on their tongue is part of the acidic taste. It is actually a very minor allergic reaction.

Many foods can cause allergic reactions that manifest on the skin. Rashes and welts are a tell-tale sign that you’ve eaten something you are allergic to. So it is important, if this happens to you, that you track what you eat within a given week and try to work out what is causing the reaction. Or you can book an allergen test at the doctor to find out exactly what is causing the allergic reaction.

It is very important to watch what you eat. Especially in this day and age. So many food products have excessive amounts of sugar and trace fats in them. But with a little practice and knowledge, you can ensure you are only putting the right foods into your body.

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